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10.03.2014 - merge day : DEX and DEXBR

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Nov 6, 2013
today we will merge DexBr database into dex 3x db .

DEXBR players are asked to retrieve any items you have on dimensional manager . Those items wont be transfered after .

Premium account users will be transfered on DEX 3x.
IF your char name from DEXBR is similar to a char name from DEX , your char name will be renamed to charname_br
Same will apply for clans .
Spoints from DEX br will be transfered to DEX 3x . If you have points on dex 3x then your total spoints will be dex+dexbr
All clanshalls and castles will be free after merge
Heroes for march will remain dex heroes(from 1-23.02 period) .
Database used for DEX 3x at this merge will be 23.02.2014 not 28.02.2014 (it was the only db that could be merged with dexbr db) .

Have fun !
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