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Recent content by Cronoss

  1. Cronoss

    April 11 - First Aniversary of the Union server!

    Update client?!
  2. Cronoss

    [GF] The end of Euphoria's supremacy?

    Ironia face ca oricine poate observa frustrarea in comentariile tale. Relax, e doar un frate si atat ;) Gloaba?! Am ras bine. Da-i cu cercul acolo si nu mai plange pe aici sau chiar cauti anturaj?! Te rog, nu incerca sa ma plictisesti cu atitudinea asta agresiva de tastatura. Am vazut destui ca...
  3. Cronoss

    [GF] The end of Euphoria's supremacy?

    Dragule, in primul rand habar nu am cine esti. In al doilea rand, habar nu ai cine sunt. In al treilea rand, simt o frustrare fenomenala in comentariul tau. Ia spune drept, esti ala care incearca sa farmeze si ia nani-nani la prima sageata?! Hai, nu plange! E doar un joc, relax. Cat despre...
  4. Cronoss

    [GF] The end of Euphoria's supremacy?

    Vasilica, mergi si invarte cercul. Ai cautat textele alea pe Google? Stim cu totii ca iq-ul nu-ti depaseste marimea la adidas si am vazut ce jucator fenomenal esti prin fotografia pusa tocmai de tine. N-am sa-mi mai irosesc timpul, am sa-ti spun doar atat: Mandru si cu mult respect, te lovesc...
  5. Cronoss

    [GF] The end of Euphoria's supremacy?

    Cine mai stie sa joace cat de cat, iti apreciaza cu sigurante buff-urile de pe Cardinal. q.e.d.
  6. Cronoss

    [GF] The end of Euphoria's supremacy?

    Am sa-ti raspund in romana, deoarece observ ca engleza o pricepi prea greu: 1. Absolut tot CP-ul meu este in Euphoria. Niciun membru de-al CP-ului meu nu este in AF, daca tii neaparat iti fac si o lista cu ei, sa-ti verifici membrii. Poate ai nevoie de ochelari sau de alte pastile. 2. Am jucat...
  7. Cronoss

    [GF] The end of Euphoria's supremacy?

    Mate, i wont bother answering you anymore, coz i lose my time. My CP?! My CP is in Euphoria. All RIP moved 2 Euphoria, at least all the important players (clan leader & active players). You talk about backbone?! ROFL! Kid, it`s all about the game, not about bribe or some other wet dreams that...
  8. Cronoss

    [GF] The end of Euphoria's supremacy?

    Abandoned?! Mate, change the pills. We moved to Euphoria, all of us, important players. Losers, like you, were left behind. Chill, you was a noob, you are a noob, you will be a noob. You know why?! Coz you were born to be a noob :))
  9. Cronoss

    [GF] The end of Euphoria's supremacy?

    WoW! What a hero! What a SuperHero! What a lamer. I counted 10-12 Euphoria players and the rest were enemies. Relax, you were carpet on the other server, you will be a carpet over here also. Enjoy the game! Trolling is for men, not for little boys like you ;)



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