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12.07.2017 tournament with 300$ prize on Beta Dynamic x10-x20


Community Helper
Oct 26, 2015
9x9 tournament on the server Dynamic Rates x10-x20
The prize fund is 300 $!

The tournament will be held during the Open Beta Test on July 12 and encourages all CPs to participate. Participation is absolutely free, while the three strongest teams will receive a real cash reward of $ 300! And it will also help your team to enhance teamplay before the start of the server on July 14.

Award for winning the tournament:
1 place - 150 $
2 place - 100 $
3 place - 50 $

Registration rules:
  • The tournament will be held in the Coliseum
  • In the tournament can take part a group of 9 people (maybe less, if you want).
  • In the tournament it is forbidden to use epic jewelery and things enchanted more than +3.
  • The application for participation is submitted by the party leader through a message on the forum (sample of application below).
  • You are able to change the composition of the group participating in the tournament before the end of registration by editing your application in the forum thread. After the registration is completed, the composition of the group can not be changed!
  • One character can not participate in 2 teams. Only in one.

Sample of application for participation in the tournament:

Nick of the party leader

Full list of nicks of the party members. Including the leader of the party.

"With the rules of the tournament all the members of the group are acquainted, we undertake to observe all rules"

In this thread you can create your application on tournament

For the duration of the tournament, the Colosseum will be closed.
Installed Fan Zones for viewers. In the Fan Zone you can get from any Gate Keeper
Also you can watch the Colosseum through the Broadcasting Tower.

Rules of the tournament:
  • The tournament will be held according to the Double Elimination system (up to two defeats), if there will be more than 10 teams participating in Tournament, we will use the Single Elimination system (elimination after first loose)
  • The tournament grid will be published after the registration is completed, and will be updated periodically during the tournament.
  • Buff inside of the group. Additional buffers on the arena will not be allowed (cocktails and scrolls)
  • Using potions of wind walk, haste, acumen, any scrolls of resurrection
  • Resurrection of the party members during the battle.
  • Use of Elixirs.
  • Use of scrolls of buffs and cocktails
  • Hero equipment and skills
  • Leaving the tournament area during the battle (if you leave the zone, it is your problems, the team will continue to fight without you)
  • Restrictions on sharpening equipment +3, for duals +4, epic costume jewelry is prohibited.

The order of helding battles:
  • A duel is considered won if all members of the enemy party are killed.
  • The fight can be stopped and not counted by the decision of the judges.
  • If the team members are late for more than 5 minutes after the start of the tournament, then the Party Leader chooses - to fight with the composition that is available, or to get a technical defeat
  • A team that does not come to the tournament gets a technical defeat, and the team that was supposed to fight with it automatically passes on.
  • For violation of the rules of the tournament, the group is disqualified without the right of return.
  • Spectators can watch the battles through the Broadcasting Tower and in the fan zones.
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Latin Community Helper
Dec 26, 2013
O dex tem o prazer de anunciar seu primeiro torneio 9x9 com premiação em Dinheiro durante open beta do seu mais novo server Dynamic Rates x10-x20, a premiação total é de $300 (trezentos dólares)

O torneio ocorrerá durante o Teste Server no dia 12 de Julho e contamos com todos para a realização desse torneio. A inscrição é totalmente grátis e os três melhores times ganharão uma premiação em Dinheiro, além disso, estarão contribuindo para que façamos uma análise melhor do teamplay antes do start oficial no dia 14 de julho.

Premiação oficial
1ª Lugar - $150,00
2º Lugar - $100,00
3º Lugar - $50,00

Regras para participar:

  • O torneio será realizado no Coliseum;
  • Os times poderão ter a composição de no máximo 9 participantes (1 pt full ) ou menos;
  • Durante o combate não serão permitidos o uso de jóias boss ou equipamentos com enchants maior que +3
  • A inscrição para o torneio só poderá ser realizada por meio de mensagem do lider da party aqui no fórum (como exemplo abaixo).
  • Você poderá alterá os integrantes do seu time ate o fim do período de cadastro. Após o encerramento do registro, não poderá mais editar.
  • Um personagem não poderá participar de 2 time. Apenas de um.

Exemplo de cadastro de registro para o torneio:

-Nick do lider da party

- Lista completa dos integrantes da party, incluindo o nick do lider

"Fiquem atentos para todas as regras do torneio."

Link de inscrição para o torneio << Link

Nesse link voce poderá cadastrar sua participação no torneio.

Durante o torneio o coliseum estará fechado.
Será adicionadoem todas as Gks um fan zone onde poderão assistir as lutas.

Regras do torneio:
  • O torneio será caracterizado de acordo com o sistema de dupla eliminação (eliminado com duas derrotas. Se possuírmos maisde 10 times, o torneio será realizado com simples eliminação (perdeu ta eliminado)
  • A tabela do torneio sera publicada apos o encerramento das inscrições e atualizada periodicamente durante o andamento do torneio.


  • Buffs dentro do grupo. Outros tipos de buffs não estarão habilitados (scrolls e cocktails...)
  • Usode porçoes de buff como wind walk, haste, acumen e qualquer scroll de resurrection
  • Resurrection de membros da party durante a batalha.
  • Uso de Elixirs.
  • Uso de scrolls of buffs e cocktails
  • Hero equipamentos e skills
  • Sair da area do torneio durante a batalha (Se sair da zona, é problema seu, o time pode continuar lutando sem voce
  • Uso de equips enchantados acima de +3 , para dual +4 e joias epicas

Ordem das batalhas:
  • Na luta será considerado vencedor se todos os membros inimigos forem mortos.
  • A luta pode ser pausada e não contada de acordo com os juizes.
  • Se um membro do time se atrasar por mais de 5 minutos, o time decidira se luta sem o integrante ou perde por wo
  • A team that does not come to the tournament gets a technical defeat, and the team that was supposed to fight with it automatically passes on.
  • Qualquer violação da regra o time eh desqualificado sem direito a retornar.
  • Espectadores poderão assistir as lutas pelo broadcasting tower nas area de fans


Jun 14, 2017
I think a 5v5 tournament would gather much more teams to participate. CPs could participate by making two teams, meanwhile people that just play for fun and have few friends could also join! Also, the prise split on 5 people would make it more valuable! Please consider this. Or make a vote. Thank you for your time.



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