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Feed in Oly


Apr 26, 2020
Ban people for oly feed. (also possibly remove hero status from feeded heroes).

So we all saw and know, that at least 50% of current heroes got feeded by their ally/clan. Its easy to report/prove when someone is feeding with videos/screenshots when spectating. Since Olympiad is one of the reasons players stay in server, I suggest not ruining it.
If you don't do anything, you will have 400 online soon (3 big clans). Solo palyers/smaller clans got nothing to do - for epics you need 10pt, in oly you need 50 clan members to feed 1 to make him hero.

P.s. you should have all olmypiad fights in database, it should be easy to track, which players got all of their points from clan/ally with fight duration of 10s. You got all the info and power in your hands admins, please do the right thing :)


Apr 27, 2020
Ban people for oly feed. (also possibly remove hero status from feeded heroes).

So we all saw and know, that at least 50% of current heroes got feeded by their ally/clan. Its easy to report/prove when someone is feeding with videos/screenshots when spectating. Since Olympiad is one of the reasons players stay in server, I suggest not ruining it.
If you don't do anything, you will have 400 online soon (3 big clans). Solo palyers/smaller clans got nothing to do - for epics you need 10pt, in oly you need 50 clan members to feed 1 to make him hero.

P.s. you should have all olmypiad fights in database, it should be easy to track, which players got all of their points from clan/ally with fight duration of 10s. You got all the info and power in your hands admins, please do the right thing :)
You're wasting your time. GL


Apr 11, 2020
what is the problem? join the clan and they will also flood you


Apr 26, 2020
what is the problem? join the clan and they will also flood you
Oh so you're saying we should just remove olympiad completely? Count players in every clan, and give 10 heroses to 3 biggest clans right? I mean, it's not like finding best players in every class is fun or anything..
But wait, why stop with oly, lets remove all epics, and just auto reward them to clans with most players. I mean, why even think about skill, luck and effort or gameplay. Just join bigger side, get free epics, get free hero.

Okay, okay, I might be giving you wrong ideas, I can do even better: Lets just make a forum post for each clan, every member posts a message there. Then the clan with most members is announced "Best" "Winners" of the server. And that's it. No need to open server, no need to play.You just join bigger forum post, and win. That would be perfect for you, right?

I mean.. I like playing games, but I guess we all have our own preferences :p


Mar 24, 2020
Sluger, you’re an idiot. Play Tetris then. AI won’t feed you. You can show your “skills” in block building game.


Mar 14, 2016
It is so in every server man.. get used to it. Olympiad games are not what they should be and it sucks but it's part of the clan strategy for hero skills.



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