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Suggestion Sugestion for Dex 50


Apr 9, 2020
There are countless zones scattered throughout the map that are completely empty and unusable from dwarvem to heine.

1- some mobs and raid boses that drop only adena could be placed in those dead and hidden areas of the map, and in the case of boss crystals, this would prevent that full domain of some zones preventing other players and clans from progressing.

2- adventure guildsman has a little explored mechanism in the game, the exchange of crystals for rewards, this system could be optimized resulting in semi epic items and without S grid, with reduced effects and limited time, this would allow players who are not in full clans already established could be strengthened to challenge the dominance of already established clans, thus breaking the zerg that happens a lot in endgame content.

Edit: I realized that they were used for the loylati system, interesting and very attractive, but in my opinion I still think that it is not enough to strengthen new and small clans to the point of being able to compete for end-of-game content

3- as the fortresses are going to be functional, they could place special teleporters for each fortress, for example: the antharas fortress have direct teleport to the bottom of antaras lair, thus allowing more flanking clans to compete in that farme region and even an eventual boss, that would even create a new way of thinking about alliances, instead of being ally with castle owners, clans could be ally with clans that own fortress.

In addition, this system is not difficult to be implemented and would bring a huge range of possibilities for the game.

below is an image illustrating the territorial domain of the fortress and possible teleport zones


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