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Augumenting items on NANNA server


Aug 5, 2014
I would like to know exactly the chances to land a skill with different life stones. For example what is the chance to get an active/passive skill with normal stone, mid stone, high and top.
I have used 500 normal lvl 74 lifestones and I didn't get any active/passive skills. The augumentation screen turned red or purple but there was no skill, just stats.
Also I have tried 15 top lifestones lvl 70 that I bought from NANNA shop and there was no skill landing on my weapon.
I have used 30 mid grade lifestones and I landed one skill, fireworks.
Is it the skill landing chance nerfed by admins on this server so you are forced to buy top stones from gm shop with money?
Thank you.

edit: please remove this post. I have submitted it in the wrong section.
Last edited:


Jul 21, 2014
I've used 7500 stones on official server trying to get active/passive reflect.
Just bad luck. Innova forums have an augmenting lab if you want to check it out,.
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