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For the Administration ..Server's answers


Aug 27, 2014
Good evening.
Through the day many questions are made but plenty of them do not have a clear answer.
In this post i am asking the Administration team and ONLY them to answer some questions about the server.So i would glady ask the rest of the forum members to not start flaming or posting bullshit that will have as a result to be this thread locked as well.
Its 2 days before the opening and many people are not sure if they are gonna play or not cause of lack of informations.

Question 1: What is gonna be with the "Buy/Sell Sindy" NPC?Is this going to be a part of the server?Auctions are going to exist on the new server?

Question 2: What are going to be the feautures of the in game shop?

Question 3: What is gonna be with the "1 client per pc?" Is it final that anyone can open up to 1 window unless he pay?

Please answer my questions so we can have a clear sight of the server.
Thank you


Nov 6, 2013
3 .
By default, you can run 3 windows.
1 . Read guide about what auction means
2. See beta until last day
Last edited:


Aug 27, 2014
3 .
By default, you can run 3 windows.
1 . Read guide about what auction means
2. See beta until last day
Thank you for the quick respond.
I have read the auction guide multiple times and i am asking again.Is the NPC going to be online when the server goes live?


Aug 27, 2014
Thank you for the quick respond.
I have read the auction guide multiple times and i am asking again.Is the NPC going to be online when the server goes live?
Dude... you clearly have no idea what this aution NPC does do you? It does not sell random items created from thin air, it sells something if another player puts it into sale... To put it simply its like an offline shop for players... So in first day you can farm no grade arrows and sell them on auction NPC for real money (speaking in a retarded way..). So maybe stop talking bullshit about how it is going to destroy economics and give donators top grade items in first day, thats stupid.


Aug 27, 2014
(speaking in a retarded way..). So maybe stop talking bullshit about how it is going to destroy economics and give donators top grade items in first day, thats stupid.
Yeah your way is pretty clear thank you..
Furthermore..I cannot understand why does this seem so simple to you.So let me get this straight.If i want to make some money all i have to do is to play one month on the server farm my top items and sell them on the npc.And this is totally cool with you..Nice :)

PS For the Administration Team : As u would have propably heard from the news,here in Greece we have a huge problem of unemployment.I will inform my unempoyed friends about the bussines lolz



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