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To Elsa and his "playing with 2 hands"


Jan 14, 2015
Its obvious that we have advantage since we use two hands while playing, we could use just one vs all of you but whats the point?
It's not our problem that you dont have any basic game knowlege ;/
When you rushed lvl after awakening and left us behind it was only because we made characters to farm Baium/Freya/Frintezza at that time coz we actually know how to play this game properly.
Now you cry that we have Baium Rings but you don't have chars made to kill it nor you came to fight us for it even once. I don't know if you wish to get it for free or something but that's not how it works...

Bring your whole cp here too, we may have even more fun reading your cries here ;p

Who needs hands when you can just sit and let the bot do all for u:




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