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Magnus the Unicorn is bugged???

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Feb 23, 2015
Magnus the unicorn M.Atk is the same as in C6. But in Gracia part 1 servitors received stats buffs in stats and so on. Here in Dex HP/P.Atk stats are boosted as it should, but M.Atk is not, Magnus has the same 1671 M.Atk like it was in c6/Kameal/HB.

Funny thing is that Magnus unicorn has ONLY 300 M.Atk more than Merrow.

I did tests while hunting. Magnus should easily kill group-monsters with one AOE nuke in Primeval Island w/o attributed weapon and kill Ketra/Varka monsters in 2-3 nukes, but he can't do that. Magnus is lacking something like 30% M.atk.


Feb 23, 2015
none modified retail hfive files in any way
In c6 all 3rd prof servitors had same stats. Same thing in your server, but after gracia part1, 3rd prof servitors stats were changed too.

Best example:

+0 Magnus has 2647 P.atk and 1671 M.atk (Stats same as in c6)
+1 Spectral lord has 3394 P.Atk and 2043 M.atk

It means that 3rd prof servitors don't have same stats anymore. But in your server it has same stats. And please stop this nonsense about retail h5 off files. There is not a single server with retail files. Even your login screen is not same as h5 had. Your lading screen is from freya which l2j scripts are known to be used for all "h5 off files". RPG club for example is not the difference. And I strongly believe that you have quite similar files.

Magnus Unicorn M.atk should be ~2.2k not 1.671.

Also when you enchant servitor at +1 +7 +11 (when servitor level increases) Servitor stats get HUGE BOOST (like in the link I posted), but here every time you enchant it, it doesnt matter, you get very littel stats boost even on those +1/7/11/13/15 break points.
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Feb 23, 2015
Nvm, Found other sources. Stats seems ok. Sorry for wasting time.
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