I think that any event where you can purchase items from Big Boss, should not be introduced into this server, the ruin in Oficial was great demand for Bots to get adena for sale, I even started using bot in the official starting lvl 98 , to keep up. Unfortunately, what spoiled the Official was the introduction of items from Big Boss in events, items acquired only by donation, which made injsut Olympiads in Oficial making Oficial in a Pay2Win, Shirts server with donation through attributes for example.
Sorry for my terrible english, but is this, dont do that.
Same with low chance, Staff, many people can get it, and it turn lazy the people to make the true boss...
Come on, this is my sincere considerations...
By the way, congratulations to the L2 DEX, I hear many people saying "I can not use any bot.". So I'm playing here.
Sorry for my terrible english, but is this, dont do that.
Same with low chance, Staff, many people can get it, and it turn lazy the people to make the true boss...
Come on, this is my sincere considerations...
By the way, congratulations to the L2 DEX, I hear many people saying "I can not use any bot.". So I'm playing here.
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