so why the fuck you want me to play with you and you are calling me a traitor for playing with someone else, when I failed a single fucking bouble in some midrate crap server, which mistake was a combination of bad calls from the leader and personal mistake, (open boubles when they come out of the cave, OH START RUNNING THEY ARE OUT) . Anyway you are not smart enough to stay on topic and you have to say some random bs just to get on people's heads. I hope you and your party the best for this server, I hope you will find some good people to play with ( i doubt it) and we will have some fun.
ps1 Just an honest advice from me to color, STOP BEING RETARDED.
ps2 shout out to karlitos, he is a cool kid.
PS3. mages are fun to play on this chronicle, I don't care about auto-loot, I really believe this is a big advantage for the melee parties. You can reply with an explanation this time not just some random bs, Thanks.