short answer: no
medium answer: you're half dagger / half warlord / half tank decent solo class
long answer :
they added back stab & deadly blow & dagger mastery (dual is 80+ also lucky strike ) , and a passive that adds 30% crit rate & some crit damage , problem is that your base stats isn't DPS-ish like other races , you're just a low damage dagger with high HP , also your lethal rate is lower than other rogue characters (incase of GC party) , also you have to sacrifice survival for damage , since you lose your heavy armor/shield & collector's exp , keep in mind that you need to use light armor if you're gonna use daggers in order for your dagger passive to take effect , but still a good dps overall , still not like full daggers archers
-but on other hand FS became very versatile since you can use swords , blunts/2h blunts , daggers & spears , that means you can hunt in alot of places with different monster resists.
idk really if cps would really need a FS for something other than spoiling stuff , that might be great