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About Mage/Warrior Bane.



i know you gonna tell me that server is retail-like and stuff. Thing is, I can show you countless frapses from official where banes are 100% land rate or really really close to it. After watching some oly matches and then trying it myself, they most of the time remove only one buff out of the 2 they should, and sometimes not even one... On Wrath, it was working just fine but here it doesn't (shouldn't it be same files?).

Also, there is like one second delay on server when you flag. Someone has time to hit you twice or 3 times till you actually see him with pink nick. Again that's not like this on official High Five.

Could you please have a look and not just tell me that you are using official original files? Thanks a lot.


Why do you take time to answer to retards swearing you to unban them, but you don't take time to answer to serious topics? Those are simple questions and yet you just completely ignore...


Nov 8, 2013
Because one would require a statistical approach to prove something like this. Take identical situations on Wrath and Arion in terms of characters, setup, buffs, stats, distance and orientation between them, make at least 500 bane attempts and show us the results. Then you have something worth talking about.

You also need to understand something... we, as players, have no indication of what files the administration has (source code, distributables, extenders) or of how much of the core logic is exposed to the end-user, via settings. So they might not be able to check anything more than a file version.
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Well those are obviously not the same files as on Wrath. I got Insane Crusher through the walls in oly :) Also try it, flag someone and see how long it takes to have the pink nick... Go on Wrath and do same, there it's instant. Ofc, Wrath was on that site obviously since it's like they had no power on that server. But here it looks like they got their own files but kinda different from Wrath's ones. Now the question is which one is the retail one..


So I should really log on Wrath and actually have to fraps from both servers, from same char, so you will see that they aren't?


Nov 6, 2013
This because of Mental Shield buff. Without this buff it takes 2 buffs with around 100% chance. With this buff can take 2 buffs or 1 or 0


Show me one fraps from official where someone actually resists warrior/mage bane...


Jan 8, 2014
Files are identical to wrath
ehm, no... unless you changed shitloads of stuff... knoriks for example isn't bugged here, i'm guessing after all that time on wrath, it's still bugged, the mass crashes ( not caused by our pc's/internetz ) w/e dont remember what else , it's not like it's too big of a problem, we are used to adapt to each new servers files, but please, i cant believe these are the same files as on wrath. chain heal for example, you target person next to who u want to heal, use it, and sometimes it dosent work , on wrath there wasn't this problem


Nov 7, 2013
Geodata is 2x worse then on wrath...on some locations you cannot walk at all but you clicking on invisible walls.
Critical errors wtf? I don't remember having few in all the time I was on Wrath, here on Arion daily crit is just normal after PR/Soe town, "white screen" while porting from aden to TOI 6 times and then crit error. If this are same as Wrath files, well I can say someone was doing "gangam style" on it while adding new stuff.

ps.Sup with OE weapons all over the place, random ppl not even nobl poping up with full vesper nobl set and 84-85 lvl with Deep blue duals (+9 and above)?


Nov 6, 2013
Geodata is 2x worse then on wrath...on some locations you cannot walk at all but you clicking on invisible walls.
Critical errors wtf? I don't remember having few in all the time I was on Wrath, here on Arion daily crit is just normal after PR/Soe town, "white screen" while porting from aden to TOI 6 times and then crit error. If this are same as Wrath files, well I can say someone was doing "gangam style" on it while adding new stuff.

ps.Sup with OE weapons all over the place, random ppl not even nobl poping up with full vesper nobl set and 84-85 lvl with Deep blue duals (+9 and above)?
all u wrote are client side issues .

about "full vesper" u can come with some proves and i will be happy to check it out , or you can PM Sharky


all u wrote are client side issues .

about "full vesper" u can come with some proves and i will be happy to check it out , or you can PM Sharky
Warrior/Mage bane is client issue? On Wrath it is 100%, here I need to use 4-5 times the skill sometimes... Same files same files... How are we supposed to believe you, us that we played both servers? I made necro hero on Wrath and I never heard someone telling me I didn't remove a buff from banes, ever. Here I hear this everyday.


This because of Mental Shield buff. Without this buff it takes 2 buffs with around 100% chance. With this buff can take 2 buffs or 1 or 0
So that means, if I try on someone that doesn't have Mental Shield, but I don't have weapon, empower and so the lowest matk possible, I will fail it also? Since to land a mental attack skill you need matk, u're saying banes are matk based..?


This because of Mental Shield buff. Without this buff it takes 2 buffs with around 100% chance. With this buff can take 2 buffs or 1 or 0
So there, since you don't seem to care until we bring proofs, we made a fast fraps to show you that bane lands through celestial, therefore it can't be resisted with Mental Shield buff, as you stated in that previous post.

Now can you tell me why on Wrath it's 100%, but on Arion it's not? Now that we've made clear that Mental Shield buff is for nothing. Thank you.


Seriously, I see you reply to every other thread.. You stated something about Mental Shield, I brought a fraps evidence and I'm just being ignored here. Would it be so hard to ask coders and compare Wrath/Arion difference in those skills please..? Thank you!



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