i saw all your other ~15 -lost- fights vs steljan, thats why i said you are worst tyrr on server. me pwning you with steljan's char -without epics- was 'humiliation', but you cant see that, you can see only t hat i am not iss hero. from the day i got first iss hero i won with any other iss all fights for 3 months in a row, all of them had better items for oly and still lost. by better items i mean blessed antharas and blessed valakas. now if in your blind eyes, i am a iss failure because i lost 4 fights to bandolero, same failure with blessed antharas at least, same failure that lost to me more than 20 fights in total in all his failed iss career, then dumbfuk ..you are 2x idiot - 1 for failing your class so bad and 2nd for not understanding some simple math.
fyi: i am not hero coz i dont have more boxes than fo, not that i am losing points to the one that goes for hero, i am acutally winning at cb 9 out of 10 fights