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PvP Event!


Nov 8, 2013
Event !

Type : PvP 9 vs 9

When?: Unknown.
Registration end : Unknown.

Where? : Market Town, Hellbound.

How can I register?: Only party leaders, post here with "sign up".

Basic rules : - Tournament matches, win 2 out of 3 matches.
- Party setups will be constant during whole tournament.
- matches will not be delayed due to player-side connection issues or real-life problems.
- If a player starts the match before the start message, a warning will be given. After 2 warnings, that player will be disqualified.
- If a player disconnects during a match, the match will continue without that particular team member.
- All MP, HP, and CP are automatically recovered prior to the start of the match.
- The match ends upon display of the “FINISH” message. At the end of the match, the GM ends the match and declares the winner. Upon the GM’s request, all players can then click "To the Nearest Village." and leave the area.

Non-Usable Items and Skills: Player will be disqualified.
- All types of Hero skills and items.
- All Transformation.(Except for Summoner Class Skill and level 80 transform).
- CP Potion, Greater CP Potion, Quick healing potion, Greater healing potion.
- All active Talismans (Player will be disqualified).
- bres, bsoe.
- milk buff.
- improved fresh fruit cocktail
- improved sweet fruit cocktail

Rewards :
1st place - 2500 tod's
2nd place - 1500 tod's
3rd place - 700 tod's

Registered teams: Event start only if at last 8 pt reg.

1 - Easy - Team Diva
2 - Teon Squad, OOC side
3 - Govnoedu1337 squad a.k.a. PusterTiam a.k.a GhostPasters
4 - Soulkey CP
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Mar 17, 2014
no bres, no talismans all 1 healer setups shouldnt even reg.
and healer sub class transforms are not allowed also?
also are all skills reused before each fight ?
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Jan 17, 2014
I do not play in Airon (I play on Dex 3x), but would like to make a suggestion, the fairest way would be to open a server for the event, the teams put on the same level, skills, and weapons, as the tournament was in 2012 that the official whom I participated. Only one of each class to complete party.

Cya, and congratulation for nice work in Dex Community.

PS.: Do not forget the people in Dex 3x, would be very cool a event like this in Dex 3x.
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Mar 16, 2014
for real - this crap, no transforms/hero weapons/bres - no need event.

gz mages with win F1-FEAR


And still people are complaining... It seems like some people just want to play with bigger advantaage than already weapons/sets/jewels (which can be really huge at this server's stage). But noooo, that's not enough, we wantz heroz skillz cause we pwnz we wantz bres and talismanz cause we farmz bullshit.. For the record, this same event took place on Wrath with the best organization from the gm team (thanks Sharky) and it was very nice to fight there, even with the items differences.

PS: Would be nice to add a participation reward like it was on Wrath, that was pretty nice as well :)
PS2: My PL will register before the event, hopefully we won't be alone.. The whole party is in A-grade but still we can have some fun and improve :)


Mar 17, 2014
And still people are complaining... It seems like some people just want to play with bigger advantaage than already weapons/sets/jewels (which can be really huge at this server's stage). But noooo, that's not enough, we wantz heroz skillz cause we pwnz we wantz bres and talismanz cause we farmz bullshit.. For the record, this same event took place on Wrath with the best organization from the gm team (thanks Sharky) and it was very nice to fight there, even with the items differences.

PS: Would be nice to add a participation reward like it was on Wrath, that was pretty nice as well :)
PS2: My PL will register before the event, hopefully we won't be alone.. The whole party is in A-grade but still we can have some fun and improve :)
its not about hero skills my friend, ofc no hero skills.
but not allowing breses, is not realistic since there are partys with just 1 cardinal and bres is a big part of the gameplay, bres is nothing special but is needed for pvp to the ppl with 1 cardi setup, cuz if u dont have it 3/4 burners setups will roll easy))as cumshot said fear the cardi and w/o bres pty is dead.
anyway i hope ppl register, and have some good gvg's


its not about hero skills my friend, ofc no hero skills.
but not allowing breses, is not realistic since there are partys with just 1 cardinal and bres is a big part of the gameplay, bres is nothing special but is needed for pvp to the ppl with 1 cardi setup, cuz if u dont have it 3/4 burners setups will roll easy))as cumshot said fear the cardi and w/o bres pty is dead.
anyway i hope ppl register, and have some good gvg's
You have a point with the bres thingy, but then some party will always come here and ask u why did they make a pt setup of 4 healers if u can spam bres. Anyway with this kind of event, always someone won't like the rules. You won't find a pvp event where everyone will find it fair. You find unfair to forbid bres cause of one healer, others will find unfair to use them cause of 4 healers :)

Edit: I myself would like an event where we have ALL exact same gear. Then you can clearly see who's better pvper and not pver :)


Nov 13, 2013
You have a point with the bres thingy, but then some party will always come here and ask u why did they make a pt setup of 4 healers if u can spam bres. Anyway with this kind of event, always someone won't like the rules. You won't find a pvp event where everyone will find it fair. You find unfair to forbid bres cause of one healer, others will find unfair to use them cause of 4 healers :)

Edit: I myself would like an event where we have ALL exact same gear. Then you can clearly see who's better pvper and not pver :)
ye but thats not what this game is about, if u want equal gear go play high rates


Nov 8, 2013
I find the issue of wards and clan skills more important. To my knowledge, on Wrath, there was no way to block their effect during the actual event. My suggestion is that in order to be eligible for the event, every contender group should create its own clan, of a certain fixed level (5 or 6 seems reasonable). Even better if the administration can provide support with this, creating the clans on demand and setting up the clan skills.
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Dec 6, 2013
I do not play in Airon (I play on Dex 3x), but would like to make a suggestion, the fairest way would be to open a server for the event, the teams put on the same level, skills, and weapons, as the tournament was in 2012 that the official whom I participated. Only one of each class to complete party.

Cya, and congratulation for nice work in Dex Community.

PS.: Do not forget the people in Dex 3x, would be very cool a event like this in Dex 3x.
this is rly nice ..and it would show who is rly good not just overgeared
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